Life is a monolith

Every day you build your abilities a little more.

Code Challenge Wisdom, or Folly

Is it really a code challenge if you don’t learn something new?

BitSized Good weekly lessons

Guess what Designers might not know CSS and responsive design; I might not either. Webflow doesn’t have a way to store secrets! Big uh oh moment when trying to work with external API’s.

Progress isn't always what you expected.

I am a recent full stack engineer graduate from the Flatiron School. 2 months ago I came up with the idea that bootcamp graduates were the perfect candidates to help nonprofits with their technology problems. The problems could be as complicated as learning mangements system, or just a simple website redesign implimented by a webbuilder like Wix, Webflow, Wordpress, etc. What I had in mind ended up scoping down to doing what at first was very hard thing to accept; soley working with webbuilder platforms to design/redesign nonprofit websites.

AWS S3 + React = Plugin you can include on any website

The following is the basics to get started. At the end I postulate on state management with Redux and potential architecture decision if building out a web app with multiple plugins that are included or not included. I also have note explanations at the bottom to expand on things I found interesting, but you don’t need to know to do this.

Get your own experience, this is mine.

Clickbait title for a clickbait theme, perhaps not. You decide if you can get your own experience after hearing my story.